My theory

This strategy maximizes returns when Solana and its ecosystem continue to experience sustained upward growth.

Every DEX trader gets hit with sandwich attacks at some point. Basically, a sandwich attack occurs when someone exploits your transaction on a DEX by placing one order right before yours and another right after, literally 'sandwiching' your trade. This annoying phenomenon I experienced while swapping meme coins on Jupiter led me to come up with a hypothesis.

Approach 1, Almost every transaction on a DEX is subject to a sandwich attack

Approach 2, When there are two or more liquidity pools based on a single token, any price movement in one of the pools triggers arbitrage bot transactions to profit from the price difference

Let's assume there are 100 different liquidity pools based on $LEGIT. If a significant price movement occurs in one of these liquidity pools, arbitrage bot transactions and sandwich attacks will take place in the remaining 99≥X liquidity pools.

Based on this theory, I figured that creating as many $LEGIT-based liquidity pools as possible would naturally spark a ton of transactions. No market manipulation by market makers is needed.

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